Lower Your Blood Blood Pressure With the Dash Diet

High Blood Pressure (also known as hypertension) is one of the most common ailments affecting the worldwide population. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 3 in 10 people over the age of 20 currently suffer from hypertension, and that by 2030, an additional 27 million Americans will have hypertension. Unlike many other chronic conditions though, Hypertension is very manageable. With certain Lifestyle changes one can almost completely go about living a normal life. Take a look at this PDF document from the US Department Of Health And Human Services that outlines some basic ways lo live with and manage High Blood Pressure.

Guide To Treating High Blood Pressure

   It is common knowledge that reducing your salt intake is one of the keys to lowering High Blood Pressure, but as we know its not the only thing. In fact managing your entire diet can set a real foundation for a healthy lifestyle that manages Hypertension.  In fact consider the following (an excerpt from a Harvard University Report on Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally)

       “A healthful diet is an excellent initial treatment when blood pressure creeps into the unhealthy zone, and a perfect partner for medications. The Harvard Heart Letter outlines some evidence-based advice about diet and blood pressure:

* Eat more poultry, fish, nuts, and legumes (beans) and less red meat.
* Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products instead of full-fat versions.
* Turn to vegetables and fruits instead of sugary or salty snacks and desserts.
* Select breads, pasta, and other carbohydrate-rich foods that are made from whole grains.
* Eat fruit instead of drinking juice.
* Use unsaturated fats like olive, canola, soybean, peanut, corn, or safflower oils instead of butter, coconut oil, or palm-kernel oil.
* Rely on fresh or frozen foods instead of canned and processed foods.
* Choose low-sodium foods whenever possible; use herbs, spices, vinegar, and other low-sodium flavorings instead of salt.
* Don’t skip meals; try to eat one-third of your calories at breakfast.

If you need help, record everything that you eat day by day for a week. Have this information reviewed by a dietitian.”

This is why the DASH Diet has such strong supporters. Because unlike many modern fad diets It is actuall concentrating on your health while allowing you to loose weight.