About Us

Welcome to our blog dedicated to helping people lower their high blood pressure through the use of the DASH diet! Our team is passionate about promoting healthy lifestyles and helping people take control of their health.

Our founder, Brian, has had high blood pressure for over 10 years. After being prescribed medication by his doctor, he decided to take control of his health through dieting and exercise. Through his research, he discovered the DASH diet (Especially the impact that reducing sodium can have) and has been able to maintain healthy blood pressure levels without medication ever since.

Our mission is to share Brian’s story and the knowledge he has gained to help others improve their health through the DASH diet. Our blog provides resources, tips, and recipes to help you incorporate this heart healthy diet into your lifestyle.

We believe that everyone has the ability to make positive changes to improve their health, and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals. Our team is made up of experienced health professionals, nutritionists, and passionate writers (Brian, Tracy and Karen) who are dedicated to providing you with the most up to date information on the DASH diet and its benefits.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope you find the information we provide helpful in your journey towards better health!

If you have any questions or concerns please email [email protected]