May 312020

9 Tips to Stay Healthy during a Pandemic.

9 Tips to Stay Healthy during a Pandemic.

Covid19 is a concern for all of us regardless of our individual health circumstances. Some people, however, are particularly vulnerable to it. If you have high blood pressure or simply “hypertension,” then there are several things you need to do to try to keep your health in check. Your aim should be to remain happy and well in the midst of a rather unpredictable and frustrating health environment.

What exactly is the problem for people who have hypertension? People who have the medical condition are more susceptible to getting Covid-19. They’re more susceptible to suffering from particularly severe symptoms. They’re even more susceptible to passing away from the intense infection.

Italy and China are 2 examples of nations that have dealt with particularly extreme Covid-19 circumstances. Information from these nations indicate that individuals who have health issues like hypertension are more prone to getting the infection in the first place. They’re also more prone to having to deal with severe effects or complications since many who suffer from hypertension have immune systems that aren’t as powerful. Their immune systems cannot combat the effects of the virus as well as a healthy persons.

There is yet another factor to consider, too. People who have hypertension often rely on the assistance of various medications. These include angiotensin receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors. These drugs may make people more vulnerable to problems that are associated with COVID-19. That’s because they can boost amounts of ACE2 within the body. This is a kind of enzyme. The virus has to connect to ACE2 as a means of infecting cells.
Either way, hypertension sufferers should go the extra mile to remain as fit as possible.

1. Stock up on Medicine

Speak with your doctor to ensure that you have sufficient medicine to be able to battle it out against the virus. It may help to get your hands on medicine that can treat other medical conditions that you may have as well. You should strive to get sufficient prescription medication that can hold you over for numerous months. This is essential for lock-down. If you’re unable to go outside, you don’t want to risk running out of medication. Also one tip is to investigate different mail-in prescription options. Many Pharmacies like CVS and Walmart are starting to offer these types of services.

Its also recommended that you pick up any over-the-counter medications you may need like fever reducers, stomach relief or even tissues in the event that you fall ill.

It can help to be prudent around certain kinds of medicines that are out there. NSAIDs are painkillers. They have the ability to raise blood pressure. The same thing applies to decongestants. If you have cardiovascular troubles, you may want to restrict or steer clear of them entirely.

Its important to really understand and make note that many prescription drugs can have effects on you in unpredictable ways. If you use oral birth control, certain cancer medicines, corticosteroids, mental health medicines or immunosuppressants, it is essential to thoroughly supervise your blood pressure levels.

2. Stay in your Home as much as possible

Strive to remain at home if at all possible. Restrict being close to others to the best of your ability. If you have no option but to go out into public, abide closely by any and all social distancing guidelines that are in place. Stay far away from crowds. Do not go anywhere near people who appear to be ill and wear masks.

3. Concentrate on Your Hygiene

Strong hygiene can often help people keep the virus at bay. Make a point to thoroughly wash your hands on a frequent basis. Use a combination of warm water and soap. Disinfect any and all surfaces that you touch all of the time. Examples are doorknobs, countertops and computer keyboards.

4. Watch your Diet

Restrict your intake of both caffeine and alcohol. It may help to refrain from consuming anything beyond three caffeinated drink cups per day.

Think about food mixtures. There are herbal supplements out there that can boost blood pressure. Licorice is one such example. Foods can do the same. Meats that are cured have the ability to bring on interactions with various antidepressants.

Do not consume immoderate amounts of salt. Consume vegetables and fruits that are chock-full of potassium. Some examples of these are dates, raisins, apricots, broccoli and, last but not least, spinach.

It can help to consume frozen and fresh vegetables alike. It can help to chow down on dairy items that are under the low-fat umbrella. Fats that are plant-based can often be beneficial for people who have high blood pressure. Olive oil, nuts and avocado are all sources of this kind of fat. Restrict your intake of trans fats and animal fats.

Consume lean proteins. Examples are both poultry and fish. Select whole grains over starches that are refined and white. Reduce your consumption of red meat, sodium and sugar. Try to say no to beverages that are brimming with sugar. It can be intelligent to say no to sodas, sweet tea, lemonade and anything else along those lines.

Make a point to stay on top of your hydration. Drink plenty of fresh water.

You may want to request suggestions from your doctor regarding vitamin use. Vitamin use may be able to help you manage your health more effectively.

For a quick guide to healthy eating for individuals with Hypertension see this printable infograpghic.

5. Keep Your Stress Levels in Check

Stress has the ability to trigger questionable habits in people. It can make people follow diets that aren’t exactly conducive to glowing health. If you are consuming an unhealthy diet you could be more susceptible to the effects of High Blood Pressure or even the Coronavirus.

6. Exercise on a Consistent Basis

Regular exercise can do a lot for people who have hypertension in the midst of the pandemic. If you want to stay on top of your wellness, you should strive to go for workout sessions several times a week. It may be a terrific idea to walk briskly around your neighborhood or go for brisk treadmill walking sessions in the comfort of your own home. Ask your doctor about tailored workout guidance. You don’t have to panic because you cannot go outside to go to the gym, either. There are plentiful indoor workout options that can be suitable for people who have hypertension.

7. Reach Out to Your Doctor

It’s crucial to stay on top of your blood pressure. If you notice it ever surpassing 140/90, then you should inform your doctor immediately for further advice. He or she can talk to you about possibly tweaking your medication use strategies as well.

8. Stay Calm

If you want to manage high blood pressure during the Covid19 crisis, it can help you greatly to maintain a calm demeanor. That can be especially hard during these difficult times but activities like Meditation can be amazing for mental and physical health.

9. Keep Updated with Whats going on.

Make sure to monitor the disease progression in your area and to check the CDC website often for more tips on staying healthy.


I have suffered with high blood pressure for over 10 years and have had success in getting off pills a few times due to health eating and exercise. I also work from home and suffer from Hashimoto's disease so I can sympathize with the challenges of Heart Healthy eating while dealing with life. The Dash Diet is an excellent balanced diet to help you eat and feel better! If you would like to contact me you can contact phone. I am located in Dallas Texas. Phone: ‪(214) 302-9547‬ If you'd like to send us an email, please contact [email protected].