Sep 212019

What is the best Blood Pressure Monitor?

What is the best Blood Pressure Monitor?

Best blood pressure monitor

One of the main concerns those of us with Blood Pressure issues face is which monitor to buy for home use. There are many choices in many different price ranges and all make claims of greater accuracy and quality. After receiving this question many times I have decided to post here for your benefit what my Monitor of choice is. Please take this as simply my recommendation based off my experiences with many monitors and base all medical decisions off extensive research to find what fits you best. That being said my # recommended monitor is the Omron 3 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor. It is a very affordable monitor (currently $28 on Amazon) and has lasted me several years. My mother has owns this same model and has had similar good results over the span of many years. It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of the many newer models but it does the one job we need it to do very well. We have compared the results of this machines with Dr. and Hospital machines and found them to be very accurate.


I have suffered with high blood pressure for over 10 years and have had success in getting off pills a few times due to health eating and exercise. I also work from home and suffer from Hashimoto's disease so I can sympathize with the challenges of Heart Healthy eating while dealing with life. The Dash Diet is an excellent balanced diet to help you eat and feel better! If you would like to contact me you can contact phone. I am located in Dallas Texas. Phone: ‪(214) 302-9547‬ If you'd like to send us an email, please contact [email protected].