Feb 142015

8 Benefits of Following The DASH Diet

8 Benefits of Following The DASH Diet

Benefits of Following a DASH Diet

   The DASH Diet has many healthy benefits in addition to lowering High Blood Pressure. Just ask any of us who have been on it for a while. You feel younger, healthier, and have way more energy. In addition Recent studies suggests that The DASH Diet can help lower the risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney diseases. Today we will briefly discuss 8 of the additional benefits of the diet, and practical steps you can take to benefit from it. These Benefits include.

  • Weight Loss
  • Better Food Choices
  • Overall Health
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Lowering Risk of Diabetes
  • Lowering Blood Cholesterol
  • More Healthy and Efficient Heart
  • Lowering or Eliminating Hypertension

Healthy weight loss:

   The Science: DASH Dieting emphasizes an eating plan that is primarily based on whole foods, meaning there is no room for processed and refined foods which is a large part of the regular modern diet. A plethora of studies show that consuming processed foods such as refined sugar, refined white flours, artificially sweetened beverages and foods with trans fats can lead to higher prevalence of obesity problems. The DASH Diet typically shuns refined flour and processed food intake and encourages a whole food based eating plan such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables which result in a significant drop in body weight. Optimal intake of fiber-rich foods, nutrients and decreased intake of unhealthy foods are the cornerstone of the quick weight loss experienced in the diet.

   Additional Comments: It makes alot of sense that a healthier person is one who veers away from unhealthy processed foods. Unfortunately 90% of the modern diet contains these unhealthy types of foods. I have found that gradually weaning yourself off can be an effective form of transitioning into a healthy lifestyle. Especially when it comes to Caffeine related addictions like Coke. Maybe try cutting back a little each day until you feel comfortable transitioning off completely.

Better insulin sensitivity:

    Following a The DASH Diet approach also helps to lower the risk of diabetes, and improve blood sugar levels in patients already having diabetes. The composition of the Diet which places emphasis on fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and low-fat dairy with limited meat, eggs, fat and poultry is the likely reason for its ability to improve blood sugar levels. A 2011 review study that examined the link between the DASH Diet and insulin sensitivity reveals that when DASH is followed as part of comprehensive lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise there was a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity.

Lower blood cholesterol:

   DASH Diet eating typically provides more minerals, vitamins, fiber and less saturated fat also no trans fat in the menu plan, which makes it ideal for those looking to lower cholesterol. Plenty of studies indicate that replacement of saturated fats with healthy monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats reduces bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.


   DASH Dieting provides plenty of fiber from vegetables, nut, seeds, fruits and whole grains which play a significant role in reducing blood cholesterol levels. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber which makes it a fantastic part of a heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering diet. Studies show that soluble and insoluble fiber when consumed as part of a comprehensive program that includes healthy food choices and exercise significantly lowers the blood cholesterol levels. Examples of foods with high soluble fiber include oats, beans, peas, barley, rice bran, apple, strawberries, citrus fruits to name a few. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include wheat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, cabbage, carrots, beets and brussel sprouts. Furthermore DASH diet is a source of heart-healthy omega-3 fats from nuts, seeds and salmon.

   So yeah as we mentioned at the outset there are tons of Benefits from the DASH Dieting approach. The most important part is just getting started. Once you start gradually transitioning it will be much easier for you to live a healthier life.


I have suffered with high blood pressure for over 10 years and have had success in getting off pills a few times due to health eating and exercise. I also work from home and suffer from Hashimoto's disease so I can sympathize with the challenges of Heart Healthy eating while dealing with life. The Dash Diet is an excellent balanced diet to help you eat and feel better! If you would like to contact me you can contact phone. I am located in Dallas Texas. Phone: ‪(214) 302-9547‬ If you'd like to send us an email, please contact [email protected].