Feb 072015

6 Tips on Starting the Dash Diet

6 Tips on Starting the Dash Diet

If I Choose to Pursue the DASH Diet, What Should I Do First? This is a question many ask when they first make the decision to try out the Dash Diet. Here are some starter tips and reminders.

1. Consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program.

2. Consider gradually changing your diet. Change only one to two things at a time. Remember, this diet will be part of a new lifestyle for you.

3. Forgive yourself if you backslide – just figure out what triggered you to slip and learn from your mistakes the next time.

4. Reward successes with a non-food treat. Instead of a victory ice cream or chocolate bar, treat yourself with a walk in the park or your favorite movie.

5.Add physical activity to your routine – even if it just involves taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to work. You can even do one of Donovan Green’s No-Excuse Workouts.

6.To help make the DASH diet more effective, make sure to look for food labels that say “sodium free,” “low sodium” or “very low sodium.” Not only does excess sodium trigger water weight, it also promotes high blood pressure.


I have suffered with high blood pressure for over 10 years and have had success in getting off pills a few times due to health eating and exercise. I also work from home and suffer from Hashimoto's disease so I can sympathize with the challenges of Heart Healthy eating while dealing with life. The Dash Diet is an excellent balanced diet to help you eat and feel better! If you would like to contact me you can contact phone. I am located in Dallas Texas. Phone: ‪(214) 302-9547‬ If you'd like to send us an email, please contact [email protected].